Armbot IQ
Desktop - 1024x768
Desktop - 1920x1080
Desktop - 1920x1200
Tablet - 2048x2048
Smart Phone - 1775x3350
Gear Pattern
Desktop - 1024x768
Desktop - 1920x1080
Desktop - 1920x1200
Tablet - 2048x2048
Smart Phone - 1775x3350
Clawbot IQ
Desktop - 1024x768
Desktop - 1920x1080
Desktop - 1920x1200
Tablet - 2048x2048
Smart Phone - 1775x3350
Quey - Blanco
Desktop - 1024x768
Desktop - 1920x1080
Desktop - 1920x1200
Tablet - 2048x2048
Smart Phone - 1775x3350
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Para asegurar la consistencia de la marca VEX, consulte las guías de estilo VEX adecuadas antes de utilizar cualquier logotipo o ilustracion de VEX.
VEX Robotics digital resources are made freely available for promotional and private use if proper VEX branding is upheld. Examples of acceptable use would be local team recruitment or fundraising advertisements. Commercial use must credit VEX Robotics, Inc., unless otherwise agreed upon.
To ensure consistency of the VEX brand, please consult the appropriate VEX style guides before utilizing any VEX logos or artwork. Feel free to contact with any questions, requests for permission, or information regarding resources not available on this page.